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Department of Archaeology









Three major types of analysis will be carried out for this project:

  1. Remote sensing using satellite imagery to carry out high-resolution GIS analysis of the relevant geographical and archaeological landscapes and to identify the key locations that are most suitable for collecting high quality geophysical and archaeological evidence.
  2. Intensive and extensive field work in India - involving:
    1. Coring of alluvial and lake sediments for palaeoclimate analysis
    2. Examination of sedimentary profiles of rivers and alluvial plains
    3. Location and recording of archaeological sites using satellite imagery, aerial photographs and computer aided mapping (GIS)
    4. Excavation of soundings at key archaeological sites
    5. Analysis of on- and off-site geomorphological processes
    6. Collection of palaeo-floral and faunal data, including evidence for exploitation of wood and seed plants, phytoliths, and animal species
    7. Collection of samples for Optical Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and accelerator Mass Spectrometric (AMS) radiocarbon dating
    8. Collection of evidence of ceramic production, distribution and use
  3. Laboratory work and post fieldwork in UK and India-including:
    1. Analysis of climate and sedimentological data
    2. OSL and AMS dating of geographical and archaeological samples
    3. Detailed post excavation analysis of cultural material including geomorphological evidence, faunal and floral remains, and ceramics




Updated:2008-05-02. First published:2008-03-14

Copyright © 2008--2008 Cameron Petrie

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