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Department of Archaeology



  • PhD in Archaeology. University of Cambridge (2019-present)
  • MA in Archaeology. University of Cambridge (2017-2018
  • BA in Archaeology. Università degli Studi di Padova (2013-2017)


My main interest lies in the social organisation of landscape during the Late Iron Age. My prior studies have focused on territorial identification through the examination of both stelae found in Piedmont and Liguria and boundary stones in the region of Etruria.

My current research focuses on the study of rural settlements in Etruria between the Orientalizing and the Archaic period. This was a dynamic time during which proto-urban centres became fully urbanized (7th-6th century BC). The aim is to identify the relationships tying these settlements to the major urban centres and to analyse them within their natural landscape.

By doing this, I hope to reveal urban-rural interdependence and the role of non-elites in Etruscan society; an element which has been largely overlooked in the archaeological historiography.

Teaching and Supervisions

Research supervision: 

Supervisor: Simon Stoddart
Advisor: Alessandro Launaro

Job Titles

PhD Student in Archaeology

General Info

Not available for consultancy
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Material Culture
Socio-Politics of the Past
Environmental Archaeology, Geoarchaeology, and Landscape studies

Contact Details

cz334 [at]


Environment, Landscapes and Settlement
Material Culture
Geographical areas: 
Periods of interest: 
Iron Age