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Department of Archaeology


MedAfrica Project - Archaeological deep history and dynamics of Mediterranean Africa, ca.9600-700 BC

This project sets out to produce an up-to-date, comprehensive, problematised synthesis and interpretation of long-term social and economic dynamics along Mediterranean Africa during the Holocene (9600-700 BC), and to identify major factors shaping the patterns detected. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

One outcome of the MedAfrica project is the MedAfriCarbon database, a publicly-accessible web application including over 1500 radiocarbon dates c. 9600-700 from 368 sites in Mediterranean Africa. 

Lucarini, G., Wilkinson, T., Crema, E. R., Palombini, A., Bevan, A., & Broodbank, C. (2020). The MedAfriCarbon Radiocarbon Database and Web Application. Archaeological Dynamics in Mediterranean Africa, ca. 9600–700 BC. Journal of Open Archaeology Data, 8(1), 1. DOI:

For more information please visit the external project website.


Leverhulme Trust

Project Lead

Project Tags

Environment, Landscapes and Settlement
Periods of interest: 
Other Late Prehistory
Other Prehistory
Geographical areas: 
Egypt and Sudan
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Artefact Analysis & Technology
Computational and Quantitative Archaeology
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