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Department of Archaeology

Cape Verde

The Archaeology of Cape Verde

At the invitation of a local university and the island's Ministry of Culture's IPC, the CHRC  - Chris Evans & Marie Louise Stig Sørensen - have been investigating its early Portuguese town of Cidade Velha since 2006. Founded in the middle decades of the 15th century, and then for some three centuries the Islands' capital, it became a major hub of the Atlantic Slave Trade, with thousands of Africans transhipped each year to the Americas.



WATCH more videos from the Cabo Verde excavations on their YouTube channel here:

Cambridge University Cabo Verde Archaeology


For more information on this project please contact Prof Marie Louise Stig Sørensen or Chris Evans.


The McDonald Insitute

the Instituto do património Cultural,Cape Verde

Project Tags

Environment, Landscapes and Settlement
Periods of interest: 
Other Historical
Geographical areas: 
Research Expertise / Fields of study: 
Material Culture
Socio-Politics of the Past
Field Methods
Heritage Management
Cultural Heritage
Heritage Studies
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